Sekiro – Cheat Sheet, created by yours truly

FromSoftware games are celebrated for their complex design, formidable gameplay, and profound lore. One of the aspects I cherish most about these games is the necessity to gather various items, which allows players to piece together not just the “official” story, but also one’s own narrative. The community’s exceptional involvement is noteworthy, with numerous content creators devoted to deciphering and constructing theories that shed light on the underlying storylines subtly woven into the games.

In aiding this endeavor, the creation of a “cheat sheet” has become somewhat customary. These are minimalist websites that lay out the necessary steps and items in a manner that avoids the exhaustive details of a traditional walkthrough, while striving to remain as spoiler-free as possible.

After years of utilizing these websites, I was inspired to create one for Sekiro. This game, arguably the most accessible of FromSoftware’s titles, was more a personal project than anything else. Yet, I am gratified to see it being consistently used by many players.

Considering this is my new website for all things video game-related, it seemed fitting to link to what I consider one of my proudest contributions to the vibrant community surrounding FromSoftware games. I will also include links to other cheat sheets. In my experience, they not only enhance the gaming experience but also make the rich, complex worlds of FromSoftware games more accessible and enjoyable for a broader audience. These resources embody the dedication and passion of the gaming community, showcasing a collective effort to explore and appreciate some of the most challenging and rewarding games ever created. However, I would always recommend experiencing these games without such aids on your first playthrough, to fully immerse yourself in the raw and unguided adventure —claymore at hand, of course.

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